Thursday, November 15, 2012

Meeting November 15

Hello Fellow Toastmasters!

Nov 25 Meeting - Today we had a wonderful meeting full of happy thoughts and altruistic ideas.

Ehsan was our Toastmaster, for the first time,  and our meeting’s theme was Happiness.

Ehsan was a master multi role tasker, as not only was he TM he was also SAA and provided some humour as well.

We all went around the room and had to answer 2 questions 1) What makes us happy and 2) Do you think it’s okay to let your mind wander

The answers as we went around the room were very interesting, happiness comes in all shapes and forms, whether it be walking your dog (Kelsey) Coffee in the morning (Cathy) or coming to class only to find that it’s cancelled (Nicole) it was great to hear everyone’s definition of happiness.  Dianne also shared some beautiful news and that was the birth of her granddaughter Violet!! Welcome to the world Violet!

Dianne delivered a speech that pulled at our heart strings, titled the Blue Ribbon, and she encouraged us all,  through this touching story,  to  share our feelings of thanks and gratitude to those around us, we not only feel better for doing so, but we could also be making a huge difference in someone’s life when we do.

Table topics was exciting, Nicole came up for the first time and handled a difficult question very well.  She took her time and held her composure quite confidently. Next was our guest Hilary who didn’t shy away from the podium, she talked about where she would travel and why.  Hilary was confident and well organized in her delivery.  (even used the word of the day) We look forward to hearing from Nicole and Hilary again!

I personally loved the quote at the end of our agenda from Henry Schweitzer that read “Success is not the key to happiness, but rather, happiness the key to success” That is my shortened version!!

Take care everyone, think Happy thoughts and hopefully we’ll meet again next Wednesday!-  Cathy P.

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