Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Plant the seeds and you will grow!

What an amazing Toastmasters meeting we had this week at UM Masters Toastmasters, our club in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Creativity was abundant!  Dianne M. was our Toastmaster, and chose the thought-provoking theme of seedlings. It relates to both the transition in to the spring season as well as to growing our voices in becoming better speakers.  
One excellent way to grow our speaking skills is to learn new words.  
This is where Deb’s creativity flourished.  In a typical Winnipeg Toastmasters meeting we are given a Word of the Day at the start of the meeting to try to use any chance we get to speak, but this week Deb changed things up.  She brought in a deck of cards. Each member chose a card, refrained from looking at the word until it was their turn to introduce themselves, and then told us how that word described them.  Words ranged from fearless to fabulous and juicy! As you can imagine, it got quite interesting!
Not only was our meeting full of creativity, but it was also full of first-times!  Colleen took on her very first role being the Ah Counter for the meeting. She gave great feedback informing us that there were very few instances where members stumbled and resorted to saying ah or um.  Clearly the Toastmasters program is helping us speak more effectively.  Also, Anna took on the role of Speech Evaluator for the first time and did she ever rise to the challenge!  
Anna evaluated Bev’s speech and gave a spectacular evaluation.  She made excellent points, giving all of us a chance to learn how to improve our public speaking.
If you would like to have a first-time Toastmasters experience of your own, improve your public speaking, and have fun while doing it, come as a guest to one of our meetings held every week at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg.

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